Bellman & Symfon
Bellman Audio Cable Kit
Bellman Audio Cable Kit BE9126 Use the Cable Kit to connect your Maxi with your multimedia equipment and enjoy high quality stereo sound. Includes teleplugs and RCA adapter.
Bellman & Symfon
Bellman Audio Domino Pro
Bellman Audio Domino Pro Personal FM Hearing System Having difficulty hearing? At home Is it hard to follow the conversation when chatting with friends and relatives? At work Do...
Bellman & Symfon
Bellman Audio Earphones-Earbuds
Bellman Audio Maxi Earphones/Earbuds - BE9124 Designed with a discrete look especially for the Bellman Audio Maxi product. Stereo ear phones with low weight, great sensitivity and excellent...
Bellman & Symfon
Bellman Audio Ext. Microphone
External Microphone - BE9127 Especially developed for Maxi as an easy-to-setup TV listening solution in mono. Simply attach the microphone close to the TV's loudspeaker and enjoy clear TV...
Bellman & Symfon
Bellman Audio Headphones
Headphones BE9122 Designed for easy handling especially for the Bellman Audio Maxi prodcut. Stereo headphones with high sensitivity in a robust and attractive design deliver the very best feedback...
Bellman & Symfon
Bellman Audio High-Powered Neckloop
Bellman Audio Maxi Neckloop BE9159 Designed especially for the Bellman Audio Maxi product the neckloop is a perfect companion for telecoil enabled hearing aid users.
Bellman & Symfon
Bellman Audio Maxi Digital Communicator
User Guide Product Brochure Bellman Audio Maxi BE8024 ONLY (Headphones, Earbuds or Neckloop NOT INCLUDED) The Maxi is a revolutionary communication aid that uses digital state-of-the-art...
Bellman & Symfon
Bellman Audio Maxi Digital Communicator - Pkg 1 - Headphones
User Guide Product Brochure Bellman Audio Maxi BE8024-PKG1 For easy handling Package 1 includes the Maxi with a pair of high sensitivity stereo headphones. Maxi headphones are specifically...
Bellman & Symfon
Bellman Audio Maxi Digital Communicator - Pkg 2 - Earphones-Earbuds
User Guide Product Brochure Bellman Audio Maxi BE8024-PKG2 For a discrete look. Package 2 includes the Maxi with a pair of high quality stereo earbuds. Maxi earbuds provide added sensitivity and...
Bellman & Symfon
Bellman Audio Maxi Digital Communicator - Pkg 3 - Neckloop
User Guide Product Brochure Bellman Audio Maxi BE8024-PKG3 Package 3 includes the Maxi and an ultra-light induction neck loop. Effectively supplements "T" coil equipped hearing aids with an extra...
Bellman & Symfon
Bellman Audio MicroSet
Bellman MicroSet - BE9129 When you're shopping at the store, it's handy to keep the Mino in a pocket so that both your hands are free. The MicroSet is a unique accessory sepcially...
Bellman & Symfon
Bellman Audio Stetoclips
Bellman Audio Stetoclips BE9125 Developed specifically for the Maxi product. These high volume Stetoclips are capable of delivering sound pressure of up to 140dB. They are also very...