Sonic Alert
Sonic Alert HA360MK-II
Sonic Alert HomeAware Alerting System Kit HA360MKII HA360M-II HomeAware Main Unit with Integrated Smoke / CO Listener, HA360SA Doorbell Button, and HA360V-II Bed Shaker. There is no other alerting...
Sonic Alert
Sonic Alert HA360MPS
Sonic Alert HomeAware HA360MPS Power Supply For use with the following Sonic Alert HomeAware Models: HA360M
Sonic Alert
Sonic Alert HA360RPS
Sonic Alert HomeAware HA360RPS Power Supply For use with the following Sonic Alert HomeAware Models: HA360R - Deluxe Receiver
Sonic Alert
Sonic Alert HA360SPT
Sonic Alert HomeAware Smartphone Bluetooth Transmitter - HA360SPT The HA360SPT creates a Bluetooth bridge between the HomeAware Alerting System and your Smartphone.Your Smartphone becomes both a...
Sonic Alert
Sonic Alert HA360SSBCK
Sonic Alert HomeAware Baby Cry Sound Signaler Kit - HA360SSBCK2.1 The HomeAware™ HA360SSBC transmitter is designed to alert you to the sound of a baby crying. This transmitter alerts you...
Sonic Alert
Sonic Alert HA360SSPS
Sonic Alert HomeAware HA360SSPS Power Supply For use with the following Sonic Alert Home Aware Models: HA360SSBC (Baby Cry) HA360SSSCK (Smoke/CO) HA360BRK (Basic Receiver)
Sonic Alert
Sonic Alert HA360SSSCK
Sonic Alert HomeAware Smoke / CO Sound Signaler Kit - HA360SSSCK2.1 The HomeAware™ Smoke/CO (carbon monoxide) transmitter will alert you to the sounds produced by the smoke and CO detectors...
Sonic Alert
Sonic Alert HA360US
Sonic Alert HomeAware Universal Sound Signaler - HA360US2.1 Through the HomeAware main unit and remote receivers (sold separately), this sound signaler will detect: when the smoke alarm is...
Sonic Alert
Sonic Alert HA360V
Sonic Alert HomeAware Bed Vibrator - HA360V The HomeAware Bed Vibrating unit is placed under a pillow or between a mattress and box springs. Use this unit to add vibrating notification to the...
Sonic Alert
Sonic Alert HA360V-II
Sonic Alert HomeAware-II Bed Vibrator - HA360V-II The HomeAware Bed Vibrating unit is placed under a pillow or between a mattress and box springs.Use this unit to add vibrating notification to...
Sonic Alert
Sonic Alert HA360VB
Sonic Alert HomeAware Pager Receiver - HA360VB The HomeAware HA360VB is a new accessory that connects to the HomeAware main unit, transmitters, and receivers. This personal pager will alert you...
Sonic Alert
Sonic Alert HA360VPT
Sonic Alert HomeAware Remote Phone/Videophone Transmitter - HA360VPT The HomeAware™ HA360VPT Remote Phone Transmitter will alert you to a phone call, video relay service or a fax via the Main...